Grandparent Homework

Pick One

Sing your favorite commercial jingle with your grandchild.

Sing "Old McDonald" with your grandchild and add some unusual animals.

Visit a music store with your grandchild and discuss which guitar you would buy if you had the money.

Ask your grandchild to sing the "Meme Granny Song" for you from the "It's Good" CD.

Show or tell your grandchild about your favorite dance when you were their age.

Tell your grandchild your favorite Elvis memory or any memory of a famous musician from the past.

Have your grandchild listen to your favorite CD and then listen to their favorite CD

Tell your grandchild a musical memory you have of July the 4th long ago.

Tell your grandchild what a record and a record player is.  Show them one if you have one.

Teach your grandchild a song you learned when you were their age.

Sing Mary Had A Little Lamb in the shower with a British accent.